Last Update: 19-08-2022 daliawadi52_brd@yahoo.com 9327530628

Samaj Darpan

Samaj Darpan (Difference)

Area Family Population
Wadi 481 2425
Out of Wadi 64 299
Out of Vadodara 09 40
Out of India 05 65
Total 559 2829
Area Family Population
Wadi 492 2258
Out of Wadi 129 543
Out of Vadodara 14 51
Out of India 27 100
Total 662 2979
Area Family Population
Wadi 459 1943
Out of Wadi 216 931
Out of Vadodara 21 75
Out of India 52 200
Total 748 3149
Area Family Population
Wadi 428 1732
Out of Wadi 276 1189
Out of Vadodara 19 76
Out of India 73 278
Total 796 3275
Area Family Population
Wadi 389 1515
Out of Wadi 319 1373
Out of Vadodara 25 101
Out of India 94 361
Total 827 3350

Samaj Darpan For Marriage

Family Population Add
by intercast marriage
Birth Total Less
by inter cast marriage
Death Total Population Family
1988-1994 (6 Years) 559 2829 59 226 3114 24 111 135 2978 662
1994-2002 (8 Years) 662 2987 80 324 3391 76 166 242 3149 748
2002-2009 (7 Years) 748 3149 + 7* 80 272 3508 57 173 230 3275 + 3** 796 + 1**
2009-2014 (5 Years) 796 + 1 3275 + 3 -- -- -- -- -- -- 3350 827

(+7*) Families information could not receive in 2002 Samaj Darpan.

(+3**) 2002 Samaj Darpan : Information about two family members is not received from family number :- 636

Samaj Darpan For Population

Category Female Male Total
Widow 137 29 166
Married 767 770 1537
Unmarried 91 172 263
Others 416 605 1021
Total 1411 1576 2987
Category Female Male Total
Widow 141 26 167
Married 902 903 1805
Unmarried 124 207 331
Others 320 526 846
Total 1487 1662 3149
Category Female Male Total
Widow 155 27 182
Married 975 975 1950
Unmarried 147 306 453
Others 281 409 690
Total 1558 1717 3275
Category Female Male Total
Widow 180 41 231
Married 1007 1007 2014
Unmarried 434 663 1097
Others 690 8 -
Total 231 -- 3350
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